Character Review: Angel


Welcome back to another character review! Today, we're looking at Warren Worthington III, the final member of the original X-Men to make his appearance in MCP, let's see how he fares.

Angel has the average stat line for his threat cost, with 3's across the board and 5 health on both sides. He stands on a 50mm base giving him an above average mobility.

Flyby is Angel's main option for gaining power. As a Beam 3, with 4 dice, it doesn't pack the biggest punch but, with a mandatory placement at the end of the attack, he gets additional range and mobility. This lets Angel be wherever he needs to be and because the attack is a gainer, it lets Angel have consistent power generation.

Avenging Angel, with 7 dice for 3 power, comes with a guaranteed size 3 omnidirectional throw gives him a measure of control and a pretty solid damage output. The wild stun is a nice upside.

Air Lift offers a welcome respositioning tool especially combined with a gainer, it lets him move around allied models fairly consistently. With his medium move and 50mm base and his attack suite, he helps your team be more mobile.

Hostile Takeover is Angel's main form of displacement, when he starts a move action, he can pay 2 power to push a model towards him short, regardless of size. His consistent power generation makes him a very effective control piece and gives X-Men an inexpensive control option. 

Last but not least, Angel gets Healing Factor and Flight. The first one helps him be somewhat survivable and Flight lets him move unimpeded.

Overall Angel is a pretty interesting model. His superpowers points to him being a support model by repositioning allied models with Air Lift and displacing opposing models with Hostile Takeover. In that regard, he is somewhat similar to Beast where he has good innate mobility and inexpensive control to be kind of everywhere he needs to be on the board and help control the secures. At first glance, he might seem like an unassuming model, but his consistency can make him a solid and reliable pick for any Uncanny X-Men list.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and as usual, don't forget to have fun!
