Remy Lebeau, the Charming Thief, aka Gambit is a pretty well known member of the X-Men. How does this loveable Cajun performs in Crisis Protocol? Let's take a look!
With 5 health, 3 defense dice across the board, a 35mm base and medium move on a size 2 character is pretty much the default stat line for a 3 threat.
Gambit's first attack, Bo Staff, is a range 2 attack with 4 dice and a size 3 push on a wild trigger, which is nothing to write home about but it gains a power automatically.
Kinetic Ace serves as Gambit's builder and it does a decent job at that. With a range 3 and 5 dice, the explosive trigger on a wild is what makes this attack shine, especially on narrow scenarios.
Finally, Gambit's spender is 52 card pickup, a beam 4 with 5 dice, with wilds counting as 2 successes, at the non-negligeable cost of 4 power, can seem pretty appealing to do if you can hit multiple characters easily.
Acceleretade Charge serves as Gambit's first superpower. At the cost of 3 power, he can add 2 dice to his next attack action (which means every attacks made on his spender). This let's him punch significantly harder and improve the odds of getting the wild triggers on all of his attacks.
A Little Something Extra is, in my opinion, the glue that holds Gambit's kit together. At the cost of a single power, he can change one of the Hits in an attack roll into a Wild, which means he's very likely to get the wild triggers on all his attacks fairly consistently.
Finally there's Enhanced Agility, which, after and attack is resolved let's Gambit move out of harm's way and damage a characater on his way out.
Overall, I believe Gambit has an interesting but niche kit, but is pretty fragile with his average statline and nothing that can help him survive in the long run. Kinetic Ace with a Little Something Extra gives him the ability to pressure models that tend to be positioned near one another like those with Bodyguard and similar effects.
Thanks for taking the time to read this piece and as always, don't forget to have fun!
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